contact lens exams & fittings

We believe everyone needs a functional pair of glasses - even if you wear contact lenses every day. You need a Plan B - in case of that unfortunate, random eye infection and more importantly, to let your eyes breathe!

Yes, we love our glasses, but we love our patients more. If you have never worn contacts, have astigmatism, want monovision, multifocals, had LASIK, have allergies, dry eye or keratoconus - we have got you covered. Where there is a will, there is a way and Dr. John has the patience to walk you through all of your options.

What is the point if they are not perfect?  We take this seriously - did you know that improper use and fitting of contact lenses can permanently damage your eyes?

  • Corneal abrasions

  • Corneal ulcers

  • Eye infections

  • Contact lens intolerance

  • Vision loss           

At West End Vision - proper fit, follow up and instruction are paramount. We feel clear, safe, and comfortable vision should be accessible and affordable for everyone. Our fitting process ensures that we can get the precise measurements needed to find the perfect fit for your eyes, and find a style and brand that suits your lifestyle.

We’re not satisfied until you are satisfied.

our contact lens partners: